Using Unityengine

Namespace UnityEngine.UI Classes AnimationTriggers. Structure that stores the state of an animation transition on a Selectable. It is necessary to use this interface in the whole class so MenuOption and Editor can work using ObjectFactory and default Presets. Windows Store Apps: Managed-To-Native functions now use Platform Invoke to perform interop, performance should be better now. Windows Store Apps: New APIs. UnityEngine.Windows.File, UnityEngine.Windows.Directory for accessing directories and files. UnityEngine.WSA.Application for invoking calls on different threads.

Using unityengine reference not working

Automatically import from xls, xlsx to custom ScriptableObject in Unity Editor

Import Setup

Unity is a 2D/3D engine and framework that gives you a system for designing game or app scenes for 2D, 2.5D and 3D. I say games and apps because I’ve seen not just games, but training simulators, first-responder applications, and other business-focused applications developed with Unity that need to interact with 2D/3D space. First, you have to open the Unity project. Create the Plane for your game. Click on the 'GameObject' menu in the menu bar. Select 3D objects and pick the 'Cube' option.

1. Create Excel and add to Unity

Create an Excel file, make the first row the name of the column, and enter the data from the second row. And add it to Unity’s Project view.

2. Create Entity Class Script

Create a new script and define a class with Excel column names and public fields of the desired type. Also give the class ‘System.Serializable’ attribute.

3. Create Excel Asset Script

Using Unity Game Engine

After selecting Excel, execute ExcelAssetScript from the Create menu and create a ScriptableObject script for Excel.

Todoist air table tennis. As for the generated script, the Excel file name and the sheet name are extracted and the part is commented out as below.

Using Unityengine Tmp

4. Replace EntityType in created Excel Asset

Uncomment fields and replace the generic type of List with the Entity class defined above.

4. Reimport or re-save Excel

When you import or re-save Excel, a ScriptableObject with the same name as Excel is created in the same directory and the contents of Excel are imported.


After this setting, updating Excel automatically updates ScriptableObject as well.


Comment Row

If you enter ‘#’ in the first cell of the row, you can treat it as a comment and skip.

Change Asset Path

You can change the ScriptableObject generation position by specifying AssetPath as the ExcelAssetAttribute as shown below.

Use Enum

You can use enum by entering the element name as string in cell.It is also useful to set Data Validation pull down as an element of enum in Excel.

Log On Import

When true is specified for LogOnImport of ExcelAssetAttribute, a log is output when the import process runs.

Changing name association between ExcelAsset and ExcelFile

You can change the association to a specific Excel file by specifying ExcelName of ExcelAssetAttribute,



This library is under the MIT License.This software includes the work that is distributed in the Apache License 2.0.