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Crow’s Foot Notation
A number of data modelingtechniques are being used today. One of the most common is the entityrelationship diagram (ERD). Several ERD notations are available. For thepurposes of CS270 we will be using Crow’s Foot Notation
Componentsused in the creation of an ERD:
Package Notation. Package notation is shown in the following figure and is used to wrap the components of a system. Annotational Things. In any diagram, explanation of different elements and their functionalities are very important. Hence, UML has notes notation to support this requirement. This notation is shown in the following. Erd Crows Foot Relationship Symbols Cheat Sheet Uml Class Diagram. Object Diagram Notation Use Object Diagram To Test Your Class Diagram.
Entity – A person, place or thing about which we want to collectand store multiple instances of data. It has a name, which is a noun, andattributes which describe the data we are interested in storing. It also has anidentifier, which uniquely identifies one instance of an entity. The attributewhich acts as the identifier is marked with an asterisk.
Relationship – Illustrates an association between two entities. Ithas a name which is a verb. It also has cardinality and modality.
Cardinality and Modalityare the indicators of the business rules around a relationship. Cardinalityrefers to the maximum number of times an instance in one entity can beassociated with instances in the related entity. Modality refers to the minimumnumber of times an instance in one entity can be associated with an instance inthe related entity.
Cardinalitycan be 1 or Many and the symbol is placed on the outside ends ofthe relationship line, closest to the entity, Modality can be 1 or 0 and thesymbol is placed on the inside, next to the cardinality symbol. For acardinality of 1 a straight line is drawn. For a cardinality of Many a footwith three toes is drawn. For a modality of 1 a straight line is drawn. For amodality of 0 a circle is drawn.
1 and only 1 (exactly1) [b6]
Cardinality and modality areindicated at both ends of the relationship line. Once this has been done, therelationships are read as being 1 to 1 (1:1), 1 to many (1:M), or many to many(M:M).
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Typically, ERDs are much morecomplex than this, involving quite a number of entities and relationships. Ifwe join all of the above relationships together and add a few attributes, asmall collection of data might be depicted in the following way using Crow’sFoot Notation:
Consider the following business rules for a patient appointment system:
A doctor can be scheduled for manyappointments, but may not have any scheduled at all. Each appointment isscheduled with exactly 1 doctor. A patient can schedule 1 or more appointments.One appointment is scheduled with exactly 1 patient. An appointment mustgenerate exactly 1 bill, a bill is generated by only 1 appointment. One paymentis applied to exactly 1 bill, and 1 bill can be paid off over time by severalpayments. A bill can be outstanding, having nothing yet paid on it at all. Onepatient can make many payments, but a single payment is made by only 1 patient.Some patients are insured by an insurance company. If they are insured, theycan only carry insurance with one company. An insurance compnay can have manypatients carry their policies. For patients that carry insurance, the insurancecompany will make payments, each single payment is made by exactly 1 insurancecompany.
Given the above information, the following ERD can be drawn:
Intersection Entities
Intersection entities are used inthe resolution of a many to many relationship. This resolution is done in orderto store additional information which doesn’t fit into the attribute list ofeither entity in the M:M relationship. For instance, in the instructor-courseexample given earlier, there is a M:M relationship between Course and Section.A course can have many sections, and a section can have many courses. If wewant to know how many students are registered in a particular class, we cannotstore the information on either entity. We could store the total number ofstudents registered in all sections of a particular course, in the course entity,ie: 300 students are registered in CS270, all sections included. We could storethe total number of students registered in all courses with a particularsection number, in the section entity, ie: 25,000 students are registered in asection numbered 002. If we want more practical information, such as how manystudents are registered in section 002 of CS270, we need another entity inwhich to store the information. So, we create an intersection entity, and placeit between its related entities with the additional attributes. The M:Mrelationship becomes two 1:M relationships. See resolution below.
Independent Entities
Independent entities are thosewhich can exist without another entity. Student, seat, instructor etc. areexamples of independent entities.
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Dependent Entities
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Dependent entities rely upon theexistence of other entities. Some of their attributes are taken from theidentifiers in the entities upon which they depend. Class is an example of adependent entity. It relies upon course and section, and gets two of itsattributes from their identifiers.