A Fet Is A

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FET is the place to uncover more about the BDSM and fetish lifestyle, find munches, fetish parties, BDSM dating and more. You're sure to find tons of like-minded kinksters who share your fetishes. No matter where you are - whether playing in the deepest darkest of dungeons or out and about in your daily life - the FET community is here for you! A frozen embryo transfer (FET) is a type of IVF treatment where a cryopreserved embryo created in a full IVF cycle is thawed and transferred to a uterus. FET typically uses “extra” embryos a couple has from a previous conventional IVF cycle. A cryopreserved embryo can also be a donor embryo. FET is an acronym for federal excise tax. It refers to the tax imposed by the federal government on tires used on the road with a maximum load capacity greater then 3500 pounds. Generally this applies to medium truck tires and heavy duty trailer tires.


a day of celebration; a holiday:

The Mini FET features a single 32mm (1.25-inch) center-terminating, gold-sputtered capsule and features FET electronics rather than tubes, and requires standard 48-volt phantom power. The Mini is limited to a cardioid polar pattern, but otherwise is meant to match the tone of its pricier sibling. The field effect transistor, FET is a key electronic component using within many areas of the electronics industry. The FET used in many circuits constructed from discrete electronic components in areas from RF technology to power control and electronic switching to general amplification.

It was a joyous fete.
Not to be confused with:
fate – karma; destiny; chance; luck: We met through a lucky twist of fate.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


also fête(fāt, fĕt)n.2.
b. An elaborate party.
tr.v.fet·ed, Fetfet·ing, fetes also fêt·ed or fêt·ing or fêtes
1. To celebrate or honor with a festival, a feast, or an elaborate entertainment.
[French fête, from Old French feste; see feast.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(feɪtTax) or


1. a gala, bazaar, or similar entertainment, esp one held outdoors in aid of charity
2. a feast day or holiday, esp one of religious significance
3. informalCaribbean an organized group entertainment, esp a party or a dance
4. (tr) to honour or entertain with or as if with a fête: the author was fêted by his publishers.
[C18: from French: feast]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or fête

(feɪt, fɛt)
n., pl. fetes,n.
2. a day of celebration.
4. to honor with a fete.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: feted
Gerund: feting
I fete
you fete
he/she/it fetes
we fete
you fete
they fete
I feted
you feted
he/she/it feted
we feted
you feted
they feted
Present Continuous
I am feting
you are feting
he/she/it is feting
we are feting
you are feting
they are feting
Present Perfect
I have feted
you have feted
he/she/it has feted
we have feted
you have feted
they have feted
Past Continuous
I was feting
you were feting
he/she/it was feting
we were feting
you were feting
they were feting
Past Perfect
I had feted
you had feted
he/she/it had feted
we had feted
you had feted
they had feted
I will fete
you will fete
he/she/it will fete
we will fete
you will fete
they will fete
Future Perfect
I will have feted
you will have feted
he/she/it will have feted
we will have feted
you will have feted
they will have feted
Future Continuous
I will be feting
you will be feting
he/she/it will be feting
we will be feting
you will be feting
they will be feting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been feting
you have been feting
he/she/it has been feting
we have been feting
you have been feting
they have been feting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been feting
you will have been feting
he/she/it will have been feting
we will have been feting
you will have been feting
they will have been feting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been feting
you had been feting
he/she/it had been feting
we had been feting
you had been feting
they had been feting
I would fete
you would fete
he/she/it would fete
we would fete
you would fete
they would fete
Past Conditional
I would have feted
you would have feted
he/she/it would have feted
we would have feted
you would have feted
they would have feted


Past participle: fêted

A Fet Is A Device

Gerund: fêting
I fete
you fete
he/she/it fêtes
we fete
you fete
they fete
I fêted
you fêted
he/she/it fêted
we fêted
you fêted
they fêted
Present Continuous
I am fêting
you are fêting
he/she/it is fêting
we are fêting
you are fêting
they are fêting
Present Perfect
I have fêted
you have fêted
he/she/it has fêted
we have fêted
you have fêted
they have fêted
Past Continuous
I was fêting
you were fêting
he/she/it was fêting
we were fêting
you were fêting
they were fêting
Past Perfect
I had fêted
you had fêted
he/she/it had fêted
we had fêted
you had fêted
they had fêted
I will fete
you will fete
he/she/it will fete
we will fete
you will fete
they will fete
Future Perfect
I will have fêted
you will have fêted
he/she/it will have fêted
we will have fêted
you will have fêted
they will have fêted
Future Continuous
I will be fêting
you will be fêting
he/she/it will be fêting
we will be fêting
you will be fêting
they will be fêting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been fêting
you have been fêting
he/she/it has been fêting
we have been fêting
you have been fêting
they have been fêting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been fêting
you will have been fêting
he/she/it will have been fêting
we will have been fêting
you will have been fêting
they will have been fêting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been fêting
you had been fêting
he/she/it had been fêting
we had been fêting
you had been fêting
they had been fêting
I would fete
you would fete
he/she/it would fete
we would fete
you would fete
they would fete
Past Conditional
I would have fêted
you would have fêted
he/she/it would have fêted
we would have fêted
you would have fêted
they would have fêted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
Noun1.fete - an elaborate party (often outdoors)
fiesta, feast
party - an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment; 'he planned a party to celebrate Bastille Day'
luau - an elaborate Hawaiian feast or party (especially one accompanied by traditional foods and entertainment)
potlatch - a ceremonial feast held by some Indians of the northwestern coast of North America (as in celebrating a marriage or a new accession) in which the host gives gifts to tribesmen and others to display his superior wealth (sometimes, formerly, to his own impoverishment)
2.fete - an organized series of acts and performances (usually in one place); 'a drama festival'
festivity, celebration - any joyous diversion
carnival - a festival marked by merrymaking and processions
Bacchanalia, Dionysia - an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus (= Bacchus)
eisteddfod - any of several annual Welsh festivals involving artistic competitions (especially in singing)
film festival - a cinematic festival that features films (usually films produced during the past year)
jazz festival - a festival that features performances by jazz artists
Kwanzaa, Kwanza - a festival featuring African-American culture; celebrated between Christmas and New Year
Oktoberfest - an autumn festival that involves merrymaking and drinking beer
Saturnalia - an orgiastic festival in ancient Rome in honor of Saturn
sheepshearing - a festival held at the time sheep are normally sheared
Verb1.fete - have a celebration; 'They were feting the patriarch of the family'; 'After the exam, the students were celebrating'
get together, meet - get together socially or for a specific purpose
jollify, make happy, make merry, make whoopie, racket, wassail, whoop it up, revel - celebrate noisily, often indulging in drinking; engage in uproarious festivities; 'The members of the wedding party made merry all night'; 'Let's whoop it up--the boss is gone!'
party - have or participate in a party; 'The students were partying all night before the exam'
receive - have or give a reception; 'The lady is receiving Sunday morning'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.fair, festival, gala, bazaar, garden party, sale of workThe Vicar is organizing a church fete.
1.entertain, welcome, honour, make much of, wine and dine, hold a reception for (someone), lionize, bring out the red carpet for (someone), kill the fatted calf for (someone), treatThe actress was fêted at a special dinner.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


also fête
nounA large or important social gathering:
affair, celebration, festivity, function, gala, occasion, party, soiree.
Slang: bash.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
yardım şenliği


1. (= party) → fiestaf
to be en fêteestar de fiesta
B.VT (= honour) → ensalzar; (= have a celebration for) → festejar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


vt [+ celebrity] → honorer
to be feted → être honoré(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vt(= make much of)sb, sb’s successfeiern; to fête somebody(= entertain)zu jdsEhren ein Festgeben; a much fêted actresseine gefeierteSchauspielerin
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1.nfesta all'aperto (spesso a scopo di beneficenza)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(feit) noun
an entertainment, especially in the open air, with competitions, displays, the selling of goods etc usually to raise money, especially for charity. We are holding a summer fete in aid of charity. حَفْلَه خَيْرِيَّه festival das Fest velgørenhedsfest; marked φιλανθρωπική γιορτή feria heategevuslaat ulkoilmatapahtuma kermesse ünnep(ség) pesta, jamuan festa 園遊会 잔치, 축제 šventė, mugė svētki; svinības bazaarfriluftsfest, veldedighetsfest, basarfestyn جشن festival/quermesse, feiraпразднество slávnosť välgörenhetsfest, basar งานรื่นเริง yardım şenliği 園遊會 游园会
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

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FET, Field Effect Transistor, Tutorial Includes:

The field effect transistor, FET is a key electronic component using within many areas of the electronics industry.

The FET used in many circuits constructed from discrete electronic components in areas from RF technology to power control and electronic switching to general amplification.

However the major use for the field effect transistor, FET is within integrated circuits. In this application FET circuits consume much lower levels of power than ICs using bipolar transistor technology. This enables the very large scale integrated circuits to operate. If bipolar technology was used the power consumption would be orders of magnitude greater and the power generated far too large to dissipate from the integrated circuit.

Apart from being used in integrated circuits, discrete versions of field effect transistors are available both as leaded electronic components and also as surface mount devices.

Field Effect Transistor, FET history

A Fat Is A Large Lipid Made From

Before the first FETs were introduced into the electronic components market, the concept had been known for a number of years. There had been many difficulties in realising this type of device and making it work.

Some of the early concepts for the field effect transistor were outlined in a paper by Lilienfield in 1926, and in another paper by Heil in 1935.

A Fet Is A Word

The next foundations were set in place during the 1940s at Bell Laboratories where the semiconductor research group was set up. This group investigated a number of areas pertaining to semiconductors and semiconductor technology, one of which was a device that would modulate the current flowing in a semiconductor channel buy placing an electric field close to it.

During these early experiments, the researchers were unable to make the idea work, turning their ideas to another idea and ultimately inventing another form of semiconductor electronics component: the bipolar transistor.

After this much of the semiconductor research was focussed on improving the bipolar transistor, and the idea for a field effect transistor was not fully investigated for some while. Now FETs are very widely used, providing the main active element in many integrated circuits. Without these electronic components electronics technology would be very different to what it is now.

Note on Field Effect Transistor Invention & History:

The field effect transistor took many years to develop. The first ideas for the concept appeared in 1928, but it was not until the 1960s that they started to become widely available.

Read more about the Field Effect Transistor Invention & History

Field Effect Transistor – the basics

The concept of the field effect transistor is based around the concept that charge on a nearby object can attract charges within a semiconductor channel. It essentially operates using an electric field effect - hence the name.

The FET consists of a semiconductor channel with electrodes at either end referred to as the drain and the source.

A control electrode called the gate is placed in very close proximity to the channel so that its electric charge is able to affect the channel.

In this way, the gate of the FET controls the flow of carriers (electrons or holes) flowing from the source to drain. It does this by controlling the size and shape of the conductive channel.

The semiconductor channel where the current flow occurs may be either P-type or N-type. This gives rise to two types or categories of FET known as P-Channel and N-Channel FETs.

In addition to this, there are two further categories. Increasing the voltage on the gate can either deplete or enhance the number of charge carriers available in the channel. As a result there are enhancement mode FET and depletion mode FETs.

As it is only the electric field that controls the current flowing in the channel, the device is said to be voltage operated and it has a high input impedance, usually many megohms. This can be a distinct advantage over the bipolar transistor that is current operated and has a much lower input impedance.

FET circuits

Field effect transistors are widely used in all forms of circuit from those used in circuits with discrete electronic components, to those employed in integrated circuits.

Note on Field Effect Transistor Circuit Design:

The field transistor transistors can be used in many types of circuits although the three basic configurations are common source, common drain (source follower) and common gate. The circuit design itself if fairly straightforward and can be undertaken quite easily.

Read more about Field Effect Transistor Circuit Design

As the field effect transistor is a voltage operated device rather than a current device like the bipolar transistor, this means that some aspects of the circuit are very different: the bias arrangements in particular. However electronic circuit design with FETs is relatively easy - it is just a bit different to that using bipolar transistors.

Using FETs, circuits like voltage amplifiers, buffers or current followers, oscillators, filters and many more can all be designed, and the circuits are very similar to those for bipolar transistors and even thermionic valves / vacuum tubes. Interestingly valves / tubes are also voltage operated devices, and therefore their circuits are very similar, even in terms of the bias arrangements.

Field Effect Transistor types

There are many ways to define the different types of FET that are available. The different types mean that during the electronic circuit design, there is a choice of the right electronic component for the circuit. By selecting the right device it is possible to obtain the best performance for the given circuit.

FETs may be categorised in a number of ways, but some of the major types of FET can be covered in the tree diagram below.

There are many different types of FET on the market for which there are various names. Some of the major categories are delayed below.

  • Junction FET, JFET: The junction FET, or JFET uses a reverse biased diode junction to provide the gate connection. The structure consists of a semiconductor channel which can be either N-type or P-type. A semiconductor diode is then fabricated onto the channel in such a way that the voltage on the diode affects the FET channel.

    In operation this is reverse biased and this means that it is effectively isolated from the channel - only the diode reverse current can flow between the two. The JFET is the most basic type of FET, and the one that was first developed. However it still provides excellent service in many areas of electronics.

    Read more about . . . . junction field effect transistor, JFET.

  • Insulated Gate FET / Metal Oxide Silicon FET MOSFET: The MOSFET uses an insulated layer between the gate and the channel. Typically this is formed from a layer of oxide of the semiconductor.

    The name IGFET refers to any type of FET that has an insulated gate. The most common form of IGFET is the silicon MOSFET - Metal Oxide Silicon FET. Here, the gate is made of a layer of metal set down on the silicon oxide which in turn is on the silicon channel. MOSFETs are widely used in many areas of electronics and particularly within integrated circuits.

    The key factor of the IGFET / MOSFET is the exceedingly gate high impedance these FETs are able to provide. That said, there will be an associated capacitance and this will reduce the input impedance as the frequency rises.

    Read more about . . . . Metal Oxide Silicon FET, MOSFET.

  • Dual Gate MOSFET: This is a specialised form of MOSFET that has two gates in series along the channel. This enables some considerable performance improvements to be made, especially at RF, when compared to single gate devices.

    The second gate of the MOSFET provides additional isolation between the input and output, and in addition to this it can be used in applications like mixing / multiplication.

  • MESFET: The MEtal Silicon FET is normally fabricated using Gallium Arsenide and is often referred to as a GaAs FET. Often GaAsFETs are used for RF applications where they can provide high gain low noise performance. One of the drawbacks of GaAsFET technology results from the very small gate structure, and this makes its very sensitive to damage from static, ESD. Great care must be taken when handling these devices.

    Read more about . . . . MESFET / GaAsFET.

  • HEMT / PHEMT: The High Electron Mobility Transistor and Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor are developments of the basic FET concept, but developed to enable very high frequency operation. Although expensive, they enable very high frequencies and high levels of performance to be achieved.

  • FinFET: FinFET technology is now being used within integrated circuits to enable higher levels of integration to be achieved by allowing smaller feature sizes. As higher density levels are needed and it becomes increasingly difficult to realise ever smaller feature sizes, FinFET technology is being used more widely.

    Read more about . . . . FinFET.

  • VMOS: VMOS standard for vertical MOS. It is a type of FET that uses a vertical current flow to improve the switching and current carrying performance. VMOS FETs are widely used for power applications.

Although there are some other types of field effect transistor that may be seen in the literature, often these types are trade names for a particular technology and they are variants of some of the FET types listed above.

FET specifications

Apart from selecting a particular type of field effect transistor for any given circuit, it is also necessary to understand the different specifications. In this way it is possible to ensure that the FET will operate to the required performance parameters.

FET specifications include everything from the maximum voltages and currents permissible to the capacitance levels and the transconductance. These all play a part in determining whether any particular FET is suitable for a given circuit or application.

A fetus at 6 weeks

Federal Excise Tax On Trucks

Read more about . . . . FET specifications and datasheet parameters.

Field affect transistor technology can be used in a number of areas where bipolar transistors are not as suitable: each of these semiconductor devices has its own advantages and disadvantages, and can be used to great effect in many circuits. The field effect transistor has a very high input impedance and is a voltage driven device and this opens it up to being used in many areas.


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